How Midsize Companies Can Keep Up with AI

How Midsize Companies Can Keep Up with AI


What do the internet, smartphones, social media, the metaverse, and generative AI have in common? Answer: they’re all part of the same, ongoing innovation movie. We’ve seen this movie before, and if the Fast & Furious series can create double-digit sequels (movie number 10 coming soon), we should expect the same from technology. Somehow, we […]

Where People Borrow Money From, by Country Income Level

Where People Borrow Money From, by Country Income Level


Borrowing From Financial Institutions To compare borrowing practices across both location and income level, the dataset features survey results from respondents aged 15+ and groups countries by region except for high-income countries, which are grouped together. In 2021, most individuals in high income economies borrowed money from formal financial institutions. Country Region Borrowed from a […]

How leaders can drive business growth in the Middle East

How leaders can drive business growth in the Middle East


The pressures of the recent global crisis, evolving demographics, high interest rates, and the cost of capital that hit the world in early 2023 have forced global businesses to adapt—including those in the Middle East region. Savvy leaders, however, view these disruptions as growth opportunities. Research shows that companies that set strategies to consider all […]

Bias Busters: The perils of executive typecasting

Bias Busters: The perils of executive typecasting


Despite their best intentions, executives fall prey to cognitive and organizational biases that get in the way of good decision making. In this series, we highlight some of them and offer a few effective ways to address them. Our topic this time? The perils of executive typecasting The dilemma The new CFO at a medical-device […]

How Startups Can Land a Second Meeting with a Corporate Partner

How Startups Can Land a Second Meeting with a Corporate Partner


In a LinkedIn post shared last year, the general manager of PepsiCo Labs, Anna Farberov, shared her frustration with the strategic errors start-ups make when pitching to corporations. Having attended 3,500 such meetings, she felt she had the expertise to detail their mistakes. However, the backlash to her post was severe, with employees and founders […]

Visualized: The Largest Trading Partners of the U.S.

Visualized: The Largest Trading Partners of the U.S.


Visualized: The Largest Trading Partners of the U.S. The United States is the world’s biggest goods importer making it a powerhouse in the global movement of goods. With so many imports, it goes without saying that the country has a significant goods deficit with many of its trading partners. The deficit with China, for example, is $383 billion. […]

It Takes Versatility to Lead in a Volatile World

It Takes Versatility to Lead in a Volatile World


The last three years have posed serious challenges for leadership. The inability of many leaders to rise to the occasion revealed that the talent crisis organizations thought they had before the pandemic is worse than they imagined. Research we conducted in the early stages of the Covid outbreak showed that leaders with a limited range […]

The next frontier of customer engagement: AI-enabled customer service

The next frontier of customer engagement: AI-enabled customer service


How to engage customers—and keep them engaged—is a focal question for organizations across the business-to-consumer (B2C) landscape, where disintermediation by digital platforms continues to erode traditional business models. Engaged customers are more loyal, have more touchpoints with their chosen brands, and deliver greater value over their lifetime. Yet financial institutions have often struggled to secure […]

How to Equip Your Team to Problem Solve Without You

How to Equip Your Team to Problem Solve Without You


Susan,* a client of Luis’ and a mentee of Kristin’s, managed her team with a fundamental belief that it was her job to “protect” them. Her belief was grounded in good intentions. She wanted her team to be happy and successful in a highly demanding and fast-moving organization. However, her approach constantly put her in […]

Mapped: The World’s Legal Government Systems

Mapped: The World’s Legal Government Systems


Mapping The World’s Legal Government Systems With over 200 countries existing across the world with unique cultures and traditions, one might assume that there are hundreds of types of government systems. But both historically and in modern times, that’s not the case. Even while political regimes across these countries have changed over time, they’ve largely […]

The 8 Responsibilities of Chief Sustainability Officers

The 8 Responsibilities of Chief Sustainability Officers


The word “sustainability” has never been more popular in the corporate world. The number of companies appointing a chief sustainability officer (CSO) is rising rapidly: In 2021 more CSOs were hired than in the previous five years combined. But despite good intentions — and widespread acceptance of the importance of sustainability — there is still […]

A winning strategy for growth investors at a time of uncertainty

A winning strategy for growth investors at a time of uncertainty


Growth equity has become one of private equity’s fastest-growing segments in recent years, but today’s market uncertainty has slowed that momentum: 2022 was a year of disruption. Investors faced a multitude of downside risks, including geopolitical tension, energy and food scarcity, rising inflation and interest rates, stock market volatility, and supply challenges triggered by the war […]

Why Business Leaders Must Resist the Anti-ESG Movement

Why Business Leaders Must Resist the Anti-ESG Movement


The culture wars in the U.S. continue to rage, and they’ve come for business. Companies are being dragged into issues that stir emotions, such as abortion, gay and trans rights, racial and gender equity, and climate change. In particular, business is facing questions about its stance on societal issues mainly from the right side of […]

Top priorities for dairy executives in 2023

Top priorities for dairy executives in 2023


A volatile economic, political, and environmental climate has affected the entire dairy supply chain in recent years. Executives of dairy companies have had to navigate inflation, supply chain challenges, labor shortages, and climate change, not to mention changing regulations and political conflict. At the same time, the dairy industry has been a site of innovation, […]

How Leaders Can Get the Feedback They Need to Grow

How Leaders Can Get the Feedback They Need to Grow


When uncertainty is high, knowing where you stand — and learning about your mistakes while there’s still time to fix them — is more important than ever. To be able to adapt to changing conditions and ensure that your team continues to feel supported and motivated, you need to understand what you’re doing well — […]

Getting Employee Buy-In for Organizational Change

Getting Employee Buy-In for Organizational Change


Most advice about building internal support for organizational change reiterates perfunctory platitudes, reminding leaders to communicate reasons for the change, or even to be excited about the change themselves. But in working with hundreds of companies going through organization change I’ve learned that this approach is simply not enough. In fact, research shows, that this […]

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lighthouses 2023

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lighthouses 2023


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is at an inflection point: companies and institutions have demonstrated positive intent and increased discussion and activity, but data shows that progress is slow. In 2020, the global market for DEI—that is, dollars spent by companies on DEI-related efforts such as employee resource groups (ERGs)—was estimated at $7.5 billion and […]

Is It Time to Shake Up Your WFH Routine?

Is It Time to Shake Up Your WFH Routine?


We’re approaching three years since the initial office exodus, where millions of people found themselves stationed at home full-time, overnight. The initial shock of that transition has worn off. So if you participated in the office flight, you’ve likely settled into some semblance of a routine. But is it time to make a change? As […]

11 Tech Trends to Watch in 2023

11 Tech Trends to Watch in 2023


It can be tough to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation. Each new year delivers the full spectrum of progress from game-changing breakthroughs to incremental advancements in a wide variety of fields. In a noisy media landscape fueled by hype and speculation, it can be tough to know where true value is being […]

When Leaders Struggle with Collaboration

When Leaders Struggle with Collaboration


A client of Luis’s, let’s call him Charlie, a senior executive reporting directly to the CEO, was recently given feedback that despite his outstanding performance, his colleagues struggled to work with him. Charlie’s drive to deliver results, his no-nonsense approach to offering his viewpoints, and the intensity with which he approached most everything made him […]

Consumers care about sustainability—and back it up with their wallets

Consumers care about sustainability—and back it up with their wallets


CPG companies increasingly allocate time, attention, and resources to instil environmental and social responsibility into their business practices. They are also making claims about environmental and social responsibility on their product labels. The results have been evident: walk down the aisle of any grocery or drugstore these days and you’re bound to see products labelled […]

Research: Why Leaders Should Be Open About Their Flaws

Research: Why Leaders Should Be Open About Their Flaws


In the late 1980s, Canon ran a commercial with professional tennis player Andre Agassi that launched an infamous slogan: Image Is Everything. For many years leaders of all respects have embraced that sentiment, doing everything they could to come across as powerful, strong, and flawless. Yet, recent research has found that effective leadership isn’t about […]

Mapped: Geopolitical Risk by Economy

Mapped: Geopolitical Risk by Economy


Geopolitical Risk by Economy The Russia-Ukraine war highlighted how geopolitical risk can up-end supply chains and weaponize trade. More precisely, the war led to trade sanctions, a food crisis, and energy shortages. This graphic from The Hinrich Foundation, the third in a five-part series on the sustainability of trade, explores how geopolitical risk differs by […]

How to Motivate a Top Performer — When You Can’t Promote Them

How to Motivate a Top Performer — When You Can’t Promote Them


In many work environments, promotions serve as one of the few indicators of career success and advancement. But promotions have a long feedback loop. They often take years to happen, which means they mask the growth happening across the months and years before a promotion is conferred. Promotions are also not entirely under an employee’s […]

Linking Executive Pay to Sustainability Goals

Linking Executive Pay to Sustainability Goals


Global businesses have reached a sustainability inflection point. Stakeholder expectations and heightened investor scrutiny are putting organizations under pressure to articulate their societal roles more clearly, prioritize environmental and social objectives within their business strategies, and demonstrate progress to stakeholders. We also know that employees are prioritizing their employment decisions based on an organization’s purpose, […]

Mapped: GDP Growth Forecasts by Country, in 2023

Mapped: GDP Growth Forecasts by Country, in 2023


Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine early last year, talk of global recession has dominated the outlook for 2023. High inflation, spurred by rising energy costs, has tested GDP growth. Tightening monetary policy in the U.S., with interest rates jumping from roughly 0% to over 4% in 2022, has historically preceded a downturn about one to […]

Rescuing ESG from the Culture Wars

Rescuing ESG from the Culture Wars


In the past year, ESG investing has become caught up in America’s culture wars, as prominent GOP politicians claim that it is a mechanism investors are using to impose a “woke” ideology on companies. Former Vice President Mike Pence has railed against ESG in speeches and in an op-ed. A variety of Republican governors and […]

The power of goodbye: How carve-outs can unleash value

The power of goodbye: How carve-outs can unleash value


The rationale for combining businesses into one company, or for splitting them apart, should be the same: to create more value. Yet we often hear leaders describe separations as the opposite of M&A integrations, at least in terms of “capturing value” in the near term. M&A, done well, unlocks value by realizing synergies. But it […]

Mapped: 2023 Inflation Forecasts by Country

Mapped: 2023 Inflation Forecasts by Country


Not Yet Out of the Woods While the IMF predicts that global inflation peaked in late 2022, rates in 2023 are expected to remain higher than usual in many parts of the world. Following the 8.8% global inflation rate in 2022, the IMF forecasts a 6.6% rate for 2023 and 4.3% rate for 2024 based […]

Have Companies Become Too Specialized?

Have Companies Become Too Specialized?


Starting in the late 1980s, a de-diversification wave swept through corporate America, on the premise that conglomerates and highly diversified companies would perform better by focusing on their core businesses. At first this strategic shift brought benefits: academic research undertaken at the time found that all this refocusing was, on balance, beneficial for companies. The […]

8 Questions to Ask Before Selecting a New Board Leader

8 Questions to Ask Before Selecting a New Board Leader


Today’s corporate boards are under a lot of scrutiny. They must respond to activist shareholders, concerned employees, community members, and others in a hyper-sensitive political environment. They’re also tasked with ensuring diversity in their organizations, as well as their own ranks. Board leadership is more important — and urgent — than ever. Unfortunately, our collective […]

A CEO’s guide to the metaverse

A CEO’s guide to the metaverse


Suddenly, the metaverse is in the zeitgeist, for better or worse. Investment more than doubled in 2022 powered by big moves (such as Microsoft’s $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard, now under antitrust review) and small ones (about $12 billion to $14 billion of venture capital and private equity investment). Everyone has heard about the […]

What Do Your Customers Want in 2023?

What Do Your Customers Want in 2023?


For many of us, a new year represents a fresh start. New Year’s resolutions offer an annual opportunity to transform our lives for the better, whether that’s by improving our health, relationships, finances, or whatever else we find most important. This mindset can create new opportunities for businesses as well — but shifting needs and […]

Prediction Consensus: What the Experts See Coming in 2023

Prediction Consensus: What the Experts See Coming in 2023


Prediction Consensus: What the Experts See Coming in 2023 In this, our fourth year of Prediction Consensus (now part of our more comprehensive 2023 Global Forecast Series), we’ve learned a few things about the universe of predictions, experts, outlooks, and forecasts. Experts are reasonably good at predicting the future one year out, though they are […]

9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2023 and Beyond

9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2023 and Beyond


In 2022, business leaders faced an increasingly unpredictable environment, with evolving return-to-office policies, higher employee turnover, and burned-out employees (more than ever before, in fact). In 2023, organizations will continue to face significant challenges: a competitive talent landscape, an exhausted workforce, and pressure to control costs amid a looming economic downturn. How employers respond could […]

How Women on Boards Navigate the “Warmth-Competence” Line

How Women on Boards Navigate the “Warmth-Competence” Line


The road to gender parity on corporate boards has been a long one, but there are signs of progress. In 2022, for instance, 45% of new Fortune 500 board appointees were women and the percentage of women on these boards had risen to almost 30%. Yet, the point of being a director is not simply […]

The Biggest Global Risks of 2023

The Biggest Global Risks of 2023


The Biggest Global Risks of 2023 The profile of risks facing the world is evolving constantly. Events like last year’s invasion of Ukraine can send shockwaves through the system, radically shifting perceptions of what the biggest risks facing humanity are. Today’s graphic summarizes findings from the Global Risks Report, an annual publication produced by the […]

How a CEO Can Create Psychological Safety in the Room

How a CEO Can Create Psychological Safety in the Room


There’s a power dynamic in every room. If you’re the CEO and you’re in the room, you control that dynamic. Positional power is consolidated in your hands, and what you say and do can draw people out or make them recoil with anxiety and fear. In my work with hundreds of CEOs over the past […]

The $16 Trillion European Union Economy

The $16 Trillion European Union Economy


The European Union has the third-largest economy in the world, accounting for one-sixth of global trade. All together, 27 member countries make up one internal market allowing free movement of goods, services, capital and people. But how did this sui generis (a class by itself) political entity come into being? A Brief History of the […]

How to Talk with Your Team About the Elephant in the Room

How to Talk with Your Team About the Elephant in the Room


No one mentions the hostility and blatant conflict between two team members. A colleague softens the data to avoid delaying the launch date of a project. At the Monday team meeting, the leader doesn’t mention the fact that two team members were fired the week before. These situations occur at many organizations, and they are […]

How Boards Can Guide Company Strategy on Social Issues

How Boards Can Guide Company Strategy on Social Issues


For the past few years, we’ve been fielding calls from CEOs and other C-suite leaders who find themselves under increasing pressure to engage in — and take public positions on — issues that their companies would have considered outside their purviews only a few years ago. Recent research, including Edelman’s Trust Barometer, suggests that this pressure […]

Buy and scale: How incumbents can use M&A to grow new businesses

Buy and scale: How incumbents can use M&A to grow new businesses


In line with that goal, business leaders report that their companies are currently building 50 percent more new businesses per year than they did two to five years ago.2“New-business building in 2022: Driving growth in volatile times,” McKinsey, November 14, 2022. But as effective as building new businesses through internal innovation and organic growth can […]

Top Heavy: Countries by Share of the Global Economy

Top Heavy: Countries by Share of the Global Economy


Countries by Share of the Global Economy With 2022 over we we can recap many historic milestones of the year, like the Earth’s population hitting 8 billion and the global economy surpassing $100 trillion. In this chart, we visualize the world’s GDP using data from the IMF, showcasing the biggest economies and the share of global […]

5 Questions for Business Leaders to Ask in Uncertain Times

5 Questions for Business Leaders to Ask in Uncertain Times


These days, it feels like we are living in the business world’s version of Billy Joel’s 1989 hit, “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” Inflation, geopolitical tensions, energy shortages, labor shortages, employees’ evolving expectations, rising interest rates, increasing cyber and data risks, insatiable investor expectations — the list goes on. Just like the song says, today’s […]

Digital transformations: The five talent factors that matter most

Digital transformations: The five talent factors that matter most


Digital transformations—whether digitalizing an entire company or setting up a digital and advanced-analytics (DnA) start-up within the organization—are a significant challenge. We have frequently seen these transformations stumble along the way, and leaders often have difficulty sustaining any improvements over time. Across the transformation journey, talent and technology are critical to success, from planning and […]

Innovating in Uncertain Times: Lessons from 2022

Innovating in Uncertain Times: Lessons from 2022


Economic uncertainty, social and political unrest, environmental catastrophe, and global health crises continue to impact people and businesses worldwide. Yet, amidst each of these disruptions, managers must maintain forward momentum to ensure their teams achieve success. This past year we’ve seen tech giants fall due to mismanagement, recklessness, economic turmoil, a lack of innovation, or […]

HR’s new operating model

HR’s new operating model


The way in which organizations manage people used to be relatively straightforward. For more than two decades, multinational companies generally adopted a combination of HR business partners, centers of excellence, and shared service centers, adjusting these three elements to fit each organization’s unique nature and needs. Today, this approach—introduced by Dave Ulrich in 19961David Ulrich, […]

How to Grow Your Top Line in a Down Market

How to Grow Your Top Line in a Down Market


Facing a tough economy — demand down, interest rates up, disruption and uncertainty everywhere — companies are cutting back. A survey of 3,000 global executives conducted by consultancy AlixPartners, where we work, reveals that 20% have already conducted layoffs, 20% expect to, and 25% have imposed hiring freezes. In addition, 33% said they are building […]

The U.S. Stock Market: Best and Worst Performing Sectors in 2022

The U.S. Stock Market: Best and Worst Performing Sectors in 2022


The U.S. Stock Market: Best and Worst Performing Sectors in 2022 The markets in 2022 were characterized by a lot more pain than gain. In the U.S., the Fed hiked interest rates seven times. Globally, central banks raised interest rates for the first time in years in order to combat surging inflation. The Russian invasion […]

Taking a skills-based approach to building the future workforce

Taking a skills-based approach to building the future workforce


As a pro bono contribution to the alliance, we worked in tandem to assess opportunities and actual skills-based job progressions that workers have made. Using these data, the team launched a series of practical tools, including a job progression tool 5 5. Job Progression Tool, McKinsey & Company and Rework America Alliance, accessed October 28, […]

Adapting Your Sales Approach in a Downturn

Adapting Your Sales Approach in a Downturn


There has been plenty of debate over whether the U.S. economy is in a recession. Regardless of the technical definitions and economic perspectives, many organizations see challenging headwinds on the horizon. Even if companies aren’t feeling the economic pinch yet, they will be more skittish when it comes to spending when news cycles predict doom […]

Global Trade Series: Fragmentation in the Digital Economy

Global Trade Series: Fragmentation in the Digital Economy


Since its creation, the internet has vastly expanded sociopolitical and economic development around the world. This is largely attributed to the its ability to facilitate communications, data sharing, and commerce on a truly global scale. Unfortunately, a free and open internet will not always be guaranteed. Fragmentation between rival nations is growing, and it threatens […]

How Executive Teams Shape a Company’s Purpose

How Executive Teams Shape a Company’s Purpose


Company purpose has mainstreamed its way into management vernacular, and with plenty of good reason. Evidence from across industry sectors has proven that genuinely purpose-driven organizations outperform their non-purpose-driven competitors on critical metrics. For example, brands that have a clear commitment to improving their customers’ quality of life outperform the stock market by 120%, and […]

Starting strong: Making your CEO transition a catalyst for renewal

Starting strong: Making your CEO transition a catalyst for renewal


It is when we are in transition that we are most completely alive. What makes the top job so different from the leadership roles that come before it? To start with, new CEOs discover quickly that they are accountable for everything, that their reporting relationships have changed dramatically, and that the job is extremely lonely. […]

3 Steps to Prepare Your Supply Chain for the Next Crisis

3 Steps to Prepare Your Supply Chain for the Next Crisis


No one can say they weren’t warned about the likelihood of a global pandemic or a war in Ukraine. And, in the light of President Xi Jinping’s recent comments at the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, where he reaffirmed his government’s commitment to take control of Taiwan one day, no one can say that […]

The digital revolution is brewing in the industrials sector

The digital revolution is brewing in the industrials sector


Over the past 20 years, industrial players have pursued value creation through a focus on product margin optimization, channel sales excellence, and programmatic M&A. These strategies proved fruitful in the prepandemic era. From 2014 to 2019, traditional financial measures of value creation reflected robust sector-level performance: ROIC rose 13 percent—in excess of the typical sector-level […]

Is Your Board Prepared for New Cybersecurity Regulations?

Is Your Board Prepared for New Cybersecurity Regulations?


Boards are now paying attention to the need to participate in cybersecurity oversight. Not only are the consequences sparking concern, but the new regulations are upping the ante and changing the game. Boards have a particularly important role to ensure appropriate management of cyber risk as part of their fiduciary and oversight role. As cyber […]

Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track?

Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track?


Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track? Plato once used the allegory of a Ship of Fools to push for his vision of a wise philosopher-king as the ideal pilot for a ship of state. Looking at the most recent numbers from Morning Consult Political Intelligence’s Projections of Country Trajectories, you would […]

6 Ways to Reenergize a Depleted Team

6 Ways to Reenergize a Depleted Team


A client of Ron’s, “Kelsey,” a division general manager of a large food manufacturer, recently told him, “Everyone on my team seems tired…all the time. I ask them how they’re doing, and they tell me ‘fine.’ If someone asks for time off, I say yes. They get the work done, but it seems like they’re […]

How Companies Should Set — and Report — DEI Goals

How Companies Should Set — and Report — DEI Goals


Can setting workforce diversity goals and posting progress reports help companies move the needle on diversity? This approach has spread like wildfire in the last two years. It’s too soon to tell whether the new fad is working, so we turned to past experience of firms that set goals and posted progress as early as […]

Revenue growth management: Building capabilities to sustain impact

Revenue growth management: Building capabilities to sustain impact


Key takeaways The growth of online shopping, supply chain constraints, shifts in the channel mix, gross margins strained by rising inflation—these are just a few of the headwinds consumer companies have faced over the past several years. Not surprisingly, revenue growth management (RGM) has emerged as a top priority for consumer leaders in this environment. […]

How Diversity of Thought Can Fit into Your DEI Strategy

How Diversity of Thought Can Fit into Your DEI Strategy


Nathan Green, known to many as Uncle Nearest, was an enslaved man in the 1850s in Lynchburg, Tennessee. He was known to make whiskey using a special technique he learned when cleaning water back home in West Africa. His method of filtering whiskey through sugar maple tree charcoal became known as the famous “Lincoln method.” […]

The Most Searched Consumer Brands in 2022

The Most Searched Consumer Brands in 2022


In today’s fast-paced world, a strong brand is a powerful asset that helps a business stand out in a sea of competition. What are some of the most popular brands around the world? One way to gauge this is by looking at Google searches to see what consumers are searching for online (and therefore, what […]

Keeping Up with Customers’ Increasingly Dynamic Needs

Keeping Up with Customers’ Increasingly Dynamic Needs


A mere 20 years ago, a song typically stayed on the Billboard Top 100 charts for 20 weeks. Right now, it’s closer to two weeks. Similarly, the skillset that would once last your whole career now requires a complete refresh every three to five years. Corporate longevity is also rapidly changing: in 2020, the average […]

Global M&A market slows in 2022 first half--but shows signs of strength

Global M&A market slows in 2022 first half–but shows signs of strength


But the 2022 numbers match healthy, prepandemic levels and are especially notable in a time of great uncertainty. Geopolitical instability, spiking inflation, supply chain issues, skittish capital markets, regulatory changes—all these factors, and more, are fueling uncertainty. And as Andy West, global coleader of McKinsey’s M&A Practice, says, “Uncertainty always weighs on decision making, and […]

Is Your Board Inclusive — or Just Diverse?

Is Your Board Inclusive — or Just Diverse?


The need for boardroom diversity is well-established. Many European countries have mandated that at least 40% of directors of publicly listed companies must be women, and similar laws have been passed in several U.S. states establishing gender- or race-based quotas. And to be sure, these policies have led to substantial progress: For example, one report […]

Five key levers for significant impact

Five key levers for significant impact


Sustainability remains the number-one topic across the packaging value chain, with corporations setting ambitious targets to improve their performance. This is demonstrated by our recent global survey of packaging purchasers across industries, which shows that approximately 75 percent of organizations have made clear sustainable-packaging commitments—but fewer than 30 percent are well prepared to meet regional […]

Visualizing the Rise of Global Economic Uncertainty

Visualizing the Rise of Global Economic Uncertainty


Over the last six years, companies have had to grapple with five major “uncertainty shocks”: First it was Brexit in 2016, followed by the U.S. presidential election, China-U.S. trade-tensions, the Covid-19 pandemic, and in 2022 the Ukraine war. These shocks reflect a new normal of greater global turbulence, driven by domestic and international political fragmentation. […]

Keeping Your Team Motivated When the Company Is Struggling

Keeping Your Team Motivated When the Company Is Struggling


It’s not surprising to learn that employee motivation is flagging these days. Fear of a slowing economy has layoffs up 39% in the second quarter of 2022, bringing the year’s total to more than 133,000. On top of that, the great resignation continues to lead employees to exit toxic workplaces characterized by uncaring leaders and […]

In Uncertain Times, the Best Strategy Is Adaptability

In Uncertain Times, the Best Strategy Is Adaptability


Senior executives often lament, “If we only had better forecasts, we could devise better plans.” They pressure their teams to come up with more accurate projections for how their markets will evolve, competitors will respond, and consumers will react — thinking that forecast precision is the key to defining winning strategies. But attempting to develop […]

Resilient Organizations Make Psychological Safety a Strategic Priority

Resilient Organizations Make Psychological Safety a Strategic Priority


The pandemic, geopolitical instability, and unpredictable markets have made organizational resilience like food in the desert: critical for survival, but challenging to grow. By making resilience a strategic priority, leaders ensure that their organizations can stretch and adapt. Much has been written about psychological safety’s role in improving workplace wellness and even in helping stem […]

Managing Shareholders in the Age of Stakeholder Capitalism

Managing Shareholders in the Age of Stakeholder Capitalism


In 2021, Danone’s board of directors, under pressure from activist Bluebell Capital and Artisan Partners, ousted the company’s CEO Emmanuel Faber — a longtime advocate of stakeholder capitalism. This decision puzzled many observers; in an age where the business community seems to be readily embracing stakeholder capitalism, Faber and Danone were stalwarts. Now Unilever — […]

The Inflation Factor: How Rising Food and Energy Prices Impact the Economy

The Inflation Factor: How Rising Food and Energy Prices Impact the Economy


Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the effects of energy supply disruptions are cascading across everything from food prices to electricity to consumer sentiment. In response to soaring prices, many OECD countries are tapping into their strategic petroleum reserves. In fact, since March, the U.S. has sold a record one million barrels of oil per day […]

Leading with Confidence in Uncertain Times

Leading with Confidence in Uncertain Times


Serena crunched all the numbers and made the best estimates possible when she was preparing the coming quarter’s sales projections for the product she managed. She used lessons from her graduate studies in statistics and decision science. Informed by historical trends, economic forecasts, and market projections, she estimated a total sales volume of 1,000 units. […]

Digital Transformation Is Changing Supply Chain Relationships

Digital Transformation Is Changing Supply Chain Relationships


The digital transformation of businesses is creating new products, processes, and services. But to provide these new offerings, companies must share information and assets with each other in ways that were previously off-limits. For example, digitized services may require competitors to share physical assets such as warehouse space. This, in turn, means that companies will […]

The Great Renegotiation and new talent pools

The Great Renegotiation and new talent pools


It’s the quitting trend that just won’t quit. People are switching jobs and industries, moving from traditional to nontraditional roles, retiring early, or starting their own businesses. They are taking a time-out to tend to their personal lives or embarking on sabbaticals. The Great Attrition has become the Great Renegotiation. Competition for talent remains fierce. For […]

What Makes Innovation Partnerships Succeed

What Makes Innovation Partnerships Succeed


Breakthrough innovation introduces novel paradigms and platforms, and it creates new product families and economic opportunities. But it’s never a solo act. Even the largest companies need partners. Innovation partnerships offer many advantages. They offset R&D costs, add expertise and flexibility, and help create new markets. They can also accelerate innovation and commercialization timelines — […]

The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart

The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart


Visualizing the $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart Surpassing the $100 trillion mark is a new milestone for global economic output. We’ve covered this topic in the past when the world’s GDP was $88 trillion (2020) and then $94 trillion (2021), and now according to the latest projections, the IMF expects the global economy […]

Organizational Transformation Is an Emotional Journey

Organizational Transformation Is an Emotional Journey


The road is littered with failed transformation programs that were set up in the traditional way: Leaders define objectives, design a project plan, agree on KPIs, and recruit the right people. As many executives, academics, and consultants can relate to, the rate of failure in transformations is still far too high, and one that organizations […]

Navigating regulatory uncertainty in packaging: A new wave of chemical-substance regulations

Navigating regulatory uncertainty in packaging: A new wave of chemical-substance regulations


New, stricter regulations on the use of certain chemicals in the packaging industry are emerging rapidly: restrictions on bisphenol A (BPA) in the European Union and perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the United States being two of the most notable. With the recent release of the European Commission’s 2030 “Restrictions roadmap under the chemicals […]