Are Boards Forward-Thinking Enough in this Disruption Era?

Are Boards Forward-Thinking Enough in this Disruption Era?


Seven recommendations for boards to recalibrate their strategies and skill sets. The old assumption that the past informs the future no longer holds true in an era marked by unparalleled speed and deep-rooted uncertainty. Corporations today face an environment that require boards to recalibrate their governance approach. Research has identified significant challenges in long-term strategic planning. […]

Keep calm and allocate capital: Six process improvements...

Keep calm and allocate capital: Six process improvements…


Most large corporations have annual processes to allocate capital and other resources across business units and for strategic initiatives enterprise-wide. The typical practice is to begin with a strategy or “strategic refresh,” develop a long-term (three- to seven-year) financial plan, and lay out a highly detailed budget for the first year of the plan. Unfortunately, […]

Scaling a Midsize Startup...

Scaling a Midsize Startup…


The popular conception of entrepreneurship is that it comes in two sizes. Venture-scale startups aim for billion-dollar valuations within a decade by targeting large markets disruptively through innovative technologies or business models. Such aspiring “unicorns” capture the attention of many venture capitalists and angels and include success stories such as Google, Meta, and Airbnb. On […]

A New Model for Continuous Transformation...

A New Model for Continuous Transformation…


Transformation programs have become ubiquitous, with more than one-third of large organizations engaged in some form of transformation at any given time. But the conventional model that most companies rely on for transformation has faltered in the wake of today’s rapidly changing business environment. Leaders need a fresh approach — one better suited to the […]

How to Fix Your Company’s Culture of Overwork..

How to Fix Your Company’s Culture of Overwork..


Our relationship with work is becoming increasingly unhealthy. Levels of burnout and stress are at all-time highs. Even before the pandemic, the World Health Organization called stress the “health epidemic of the 21st century.” What is a major source of that stress? Our jobs. Microsoft has conducted several studies analyzing keystroke data and the use […]

What to Do When Your Team Blames You

What to Do When Your Team Blames You


Paul, an executive coaching client, reached out distraught, asking for guidance after a painful team meeting. During a routine project review, his employee, Elena, expressed concerns about the team’s heavy workload, exclaiming: “Six months ago we laid off more than half of the team, but you never reduced the workload the way you promised. We’re […]

The Challenges of Becoming a Less Hierarchical Company

The Challenges of Becoming a Less Hierarchical Company


Last March, Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg labeled 2023 the “Year of Efficiency” in a company-wide email, noting that “flatter is faster.” According to Zuckerberg, “It’s well-understood that every layer of a hierarchy adds latency and risk aversion in information flow and decision-making.” The consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, has echoed these sentiments, describing how unstructuring […]

Beyond Narcissism: How Leaders Can Avoid the Hubris Trap

Beyond Narcissism: How Leaders Can Avoid the Hubris Trap


Overcoming the Hubris Syndrome Requires a Dose of Reality, Humility, and Humour Throughout history, leaders have been seduced by success, leading them down a path of hubris. This ancient Greek term, literally translating to “excess”, describes a state of exaggerated self-belief and arrogance. An extreme example is Xerxes, king of the Persian Empire. Feeling invincible […]

Ten Ways Boards Need to Transform

Ten Ways Boards Need to Transform


How governance must pivot in the face of accelerating change. Boards are left with no option but to evolve. The confluence of macro-economic uncertainties, geopolitical tensions, climate change and digital disruption has led to unpredictable risks, a polarising society and more activist stakeholders. At the recent  INSEAD Directors Forum , experts discussed how governance must […]

Effective Networking Is About Giving, Not Just Taking

Effective Networking Is About Giving, Not Just Taking


Developing professional relationships starts with adding value to others’ lives. Networking can feel a bit scary for many people. For human social relations, small is often beautiful. After all, for a lot longer than modern civilisation has existed, humans lived in small, close-knit hunter-gatherer groups of  about 150 individuals . In these groups, we felt […]

Leave Intuition to the Machines

Leave Intuition to the Machines


Is it time for System 3 thinking by humans? Just two months after its launch in late 2022, ChatGPT reached 100 million monthly active users. Along with other advanced language models, it quickly started to encroach on territory traditionally exempt from automation, such as tasks requiring creativity, intuition and decision-making. So, what does this mean […]

Sustainability Is About Your Workforce, Too

Sustainability Is About Your Workforce, Too


The EU has long been committed to improving worker well-being, claiming it wants to create more transparent and predictable working conditions for all its 182 million workers. Now, it’s moving ahead with this objective on a number of fronts: In recent years, many companies hired a chief sustainability officer and established a set of high-priority […]

Ranked: The Fastest Growing Economies In 2024

Ranked: The Fastest Growing Economies In 2024


Which countries will see the most economic growth in 2024? To answer this question, we’ve visualized GDP growth forecasts from the IMF’s October 2023 World Economic Outlook. Unsurprisingly, many of these countries are located in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa—two of the world’s fastest growing regions. Country Region GDP Growth 2024 (%) Macao SAR Asia Pacific […]

What’s Fueling Burnout in Your Organization?

What’s Fueling Burnout in Your Organization?


Organizations around the world are experiencing unprecedented levels of burnout, which is creating a significant — and under-recognized — cost to organizations in the form of quiet quitting, reduced innovation, and even spiraling healthcare costs. Many people are quick to point to an increase in overall workload as the culprit. But our research shows that […]

How Middle Market Companies Can Avoid a Liquidity Crisis

How Middle Market Companies Can Avoid a Liquidity Crisis


This is no time to be caught short of cash, or long on inventory, or both: not when interest rates are double what they were a year ago and revolving credit is hard to find. Not when the International Monetary Fund projects that the world’s advanced economies will grow just 1.4% next year. Not when […]

Making Radical Change a Business Sustainability Imperative

Making Radical Change a Business Sustainability Imperative


Companies need to take risks if they want truly impactful results. Devastating wildfires, floods and droughts are already revealing the catastrophic effects of climate change. Yet, a rapidly warming planet is just one of multiple sustainability megaforces that threaten our way of life. It is clear that business as usual is no longer an option. […]

Ranked: The Most Innovative Countries in 2023

Ranked: The Most Innovative Countries in 2023


Which countries are the global innovation powerhouses? In many ways, the past year has represented an inflection point in technological advancement. Almost overnight, OpenAI’s large language model ChatGPT became a household name and AI was within reach to the masses. Yet looking under the surface, innovation is influenced by several unseen factors, from the institutional […]

The World’s Most Talent Competitive Countries 2023

The World’s Most Talent Competitive Countries 2023


The tenth anniversary edition of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index reveals changing attitudes and persistent trends. A country’s talent is its powerhouse. Attracting, developing and retaining skilled individuals isn’t just a strategy – it shapes a nation’s success in the global arena. For ten years, the Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) has evaluated the talent […]

Employee experience still matters: Talent retention at Global Capability Centres

Employee experience still matters: Talent retention at Global Capability Centres


Global capability centers (GCCs)1These large facilities concentrate workers and infrastructure that handle operations (for example, back-office functions, corporate business-support functions, contact centers, and middle office) and IT support (such as app development and maintenance, remote IT infrastructure, help desks, and research and analytics) to sustain productivity growth. face an enduring and worrisome challenge: how to […]

Taming the Guru: How to Handle Dominant Leaders

Taming the Guru: How to Handle Dominant Leaders


Is your boss acting like a guru? Take charge by asserting yourself and setting clear boundaries. In the workplace, we are often in a semi-dependent state. We seek approval and guidance from colleagues and superiors, all while hiding our deepest vulnerabilities.  Our insecurities drive us to seek external validation, which shapes our actions and decisions. […]

Solving the Problem of Remote Work

Solving the Problem of Remote Work


A framework to help leaders approach the topic more holistically and effectively. The discussion around remote work — which has dominated news headlines, Slack conversations and water-cooler chats since countries relaxed their Covid-19 guidelines — is only getting more contentious. Many workers wish to continue working remotely in some capacity, while insisting that leaders’ productivity […]

Making Stress Work for Organisations

Making Stress Work for Organisations


Moderate stress boosts performance. But can companies determine “optimal” stress levels for their employees? In our time-starved, hyper-connected world, few things remain constant. One of them is stress. From presenting in an important meeting to catching the rush-hour train, or simply worrying about what others think of us, we experience varying levels of stress in […]

How Does Self-Serving Attribution Affect Strategic Decisions?

How Does Self-Serving Attribution Affect Strategic Decisions?


How a firm evaluates its past alliance performance can influence its choice between future alliances and acquisitions. The core tenet of performance feedback theory is that the evaluation of past performance shapes future behaviours and choices: We repeat the actions that have seemingly led us to success and avoid those that we believe have led […]

Building food and agriculture businesses for a green future

Building food and agriculture businesses for a green future


Over the past few decades, the food and agriculture sector has consistently faced challenges in meeting the world’s food needs. Throughout the late 20th century, population growth significantly increased global demand for nutrition, and as the 21st century has progressed, severe weather events as a result of climate change have complicated food production around the […]

10 Signs Your Company Is Resistant to Change

10 Signs Your Company Is Resistant to Change


Not every organization is eager to solve its problems. In the absence of an obvious performance crisis, leaders often clutch onto the status quo and underweigh its risks. This type of resistance to change can show up in many forms, some of them hard to decipher. Here are 10 signs your company may be trying […]

Visualizing All of China’s Trade Partners

Visualizing All of China’s Trade Partners


China stands as a formidable player in the global trade arena, wielding its influence as the world’s largest goods exporter. With a complex network of trade partnerships spanning more than 200 countries, regions, and territories, the world’s second-largest economy has significant economic relationships with both allies and adversaries. By using 2022 trade data from China’s […]

Research: How Some Companies Avoid Accusations of Greenwashing

Research: How Some Companies Avoid Accusations of Greenwashing


Sustainability has rapidly become an indispensable part of corporate governance. But as companies commit to green practices, a worrying trend is also surfacing: Some corporations are painting themselves as green while failing to back their claims with concrete actions. Numerous examples abound: The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has recently banned a number of ads […]

How Deep Tech Can Drive Sustainability and Profitability in Manufacturing

How Deep Tech Can Drive Sustainability and Profitability in Manufacturing


The days of operations that pursue speed, quality, and cost efficiency above all else have come to an end. Today, the objectives that manufacturers must pursue to ensure competitiveness have evolved. Sustainability, long seen as incompatible with these traditional goals, is now a strategic imperative. This raises a question for manufacturers: How can they make […]

What is prompt engineering?

What is prompt engineering?


Let’s say you’re making spaghetti marinara for dinner. Sauce from a jar is perfectly fine. But what if you buy your tomatoes and basil from the farmers market to make your own sauce? Chances are it will taste a lot better. And what if you grow your own ingredients from your garden and make your […]

Creating a Cohesive Team for Corporate Transformation Projects

Creating a Cohesive Team for Corporate Transformation Projects


The screenwriters’ strike that began last May, and the actors’ strike that followed in July, highlighted an employment model that has given Hollywood a highly flexible workforce for decades: The vast majority of people on a set are not studio employees but independent contractors or employees of other firms. Take, for example, the people who […]

Charted: How Long Does it Take Unicorns to Exit?

Charted: How Long Does it Take Unicorns to Exit?


For most unicorns—startups with a $1 billion valuation or more—it can take years to see a liquidity event. Take Twitter, which went public seven years after its 2006 founding. Or Uber, which had an IPO after a decade of operation in 2019. After all, companies first have to succeed and build up their valuation in […]

Good Judgment Is a Competitive Advantage in the Age of AI

Good Judgment Is a Competitive Advantage in the Age of AI


It wasn’t that long ago that AI was considered the domain of elite experts or data scientists. Companies spoke effusively about its potential to transform business, but only a fraction of their employees had access to it. With generative AI, the game has changed — suddenly everyone is a potential programmer thanks to tools like […]

The Next Supply-Chain Challenge Isn’t a Shortage — It’s Inventory Glut

The Next Supply-Chain Challenge Isn’t a Shortage — It’s Inventory Glut


It’s March 2020. Store shelves sit empty, without any toilet paper or cleaning supplies in sight. Tablets and electronic devices are out of stock. Consumers are clamoring for the basics they need to suddenly work and learn from home and live under quarantine. Meanwhile, on Zoom calls and in email threads, company leaders around the […]

How Global Companies Can Create a Consistent Customer Experience

How Global Companies Can Create a Consistent Customer Experience


On the surface, international business expansion seems easier than ever. Today, any company can reach multiple markets in a matter of seconds: Publish a blog post, launch a mobile app, buy digital ads, and target customers in as many countries as you wish. The rise of online global marketplaces has made it even easier for […]

The 50 Most Valuable Companies in the World in 2023

The 50 Most Valuable Companies in the World in 2023


Market capitalization, or market cap, is one measure of a company’s value as determined by the stock market. It is easily calculated by multiplying the company’s outstanding shares by its current share price. In this graphic, we present a treemap chart that visualizes the world’s top 50 publicly-traded companies by market cap, using data as […]

The Challenges of Networking as an Executive

The Challenges of Networking as an Executive


Look online at any of the thousands of articles available on the challenges of networking for a job, and you’ll find that 100% of them give advice on how relatively junior professionals can network “up.” But surprisingly little advice is available for senior executives, who experience a different but equally challenging set of networking hurdles. […]

Tech-powered growth: Three things growth leaders do differently

Tech-powered growth: Three things growth leaders do differently


Growth has always been important. In times of uncertainty, profitable growth is critical. The benefits of growth are undeniable. McKinsey’s analysis of more than 5,000 public companies shows that growth champions—companies that profitably outgrow their peers—create 80 percent more shareholder value than their peers over a ten-year period.1“Choosing to grow: The leader’s blueprint,” McKinsey, July […]

Smaller Companies Must Embrace Risk Management

Smaller Companies Must Embrace Risk Management


There’s an unfortunate stereotype that risk management is boring. Risk managers are pessimistic clerks. Compliance officers are scaremongers. Too many managers think this way. As a result, risk management is an unloved and misunderstood discipline. Until disaster strikes, risk management is, for most, a painstaking and costly chore. In an increasingly volatile world, however, risk […]

When Your Vacation Wasn’t Exactly Relaxing

When Your Vacation Wasn’t Exactly Relaxing


Vacations are meant to be rejuvenating. Time off can not only help you restore your mind, body, and soul, it also has a positive impact on your work life: One study found that employees who take 11 or more vacation days are more likely to receive a raise or bonus. However, not all vacations are […]

What Makes a Great Corporate Purpose Statement

What Makes a Great Corporate Purpose Statement


Organizations in all sectors are increasingly required by their investors, customers, employees, and wider stakeholders to articulate a clear statement of corporate purpose. Purpose isn’t about profit maximization; it’s the reason the organization exists. A purpose statement should clearly explain how the organization will contribute to human, societal, or environmental goals. It needs to be […]

Visualizing the Future Global Economy by GDP in 2050

Visualizing the Future Global Economy by GDP in 2050


According to a recent report from Goldman Sachs, the balance of global economic power is projected to shift dramatically in the coming decades. More specifically, analysts believe that Asia could soon become the largest regional contributor to world GDP, surpassing the traditional economic powerhouses grouped together in the Developed Markets (DM) category. In the graphic […]

Where Should Your Company Start with GenAI?

Where Should Your Company Start with GenAI?


To best understand generative AI (GenAI), look at it through bifocal lenses. Through the top lens, one sees the long view of big, looming issues, such as accuracy, privacy, and bias, as well as GenAI’s potential impact on “knowledge workers” and even economy-wide job losses and societal risks. While this view is important, we have […]

Visualizing the $105 Trillion World Economy in One Chart

Visualizing the $105 Trillion World Economy in One Chart


By the end of 2023, the world economy is expected to have a gross domestic product (GDP) of $105 trillion, or $5 trillion higher than the year before, according to the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) projections from its 2023 World Economic Outlook report. In nominal terms, that’s a 5.3% increase in global GDP. In […]

How to Be a Purpose-Driven Leader Without Burning Out

How to Be a Purpose-Driven Leader Without Burning Out


When Robert Greenleaf coined the phrase “servant leadership” in a seminal 1970 essay, it was a much-needed improvement over the traditional command-and-control leadership model that had prevailed for centuries. “The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead,” Greenleaf […]

Case Study: When the CEO Dies, What Comes First: His Company or His Family?

Case Study: When the CEO Dies, What Comes First: His Company or His Family?


Shortly after the sudden death of her beloved husband, Priya Gowda learns that the company he built from a small dairy farm into a major Indian conglomerate is in deep financial trouble. Unbeknownst to her and his investors, her husband had taken on a lot of short-term, high-interest loans, and the company is struggling to […]

How bold is your business transformation? A new way to measure progress

How bold is your business transformation? A new way to measure progress


Today’s volatile business environment continues to challenge organizations no matter their size, industry, or geography. Just a few broad trends tell the story: new digital entrants are gobbling up market share across industries; ecosystem-based strategies are gaining ground; and companies committed to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are increasingly attractive to employees and investors […]

3 Ways Our Brains Undermine Our Ability to Be a Good Leader

3 Ways Our Brains Undermine Our Ability to Be a Good Leader


Robin, a perennial high achiever, has just been promoted to her first leadership position. But her first few months on the job have been tougher than expected: Her colleagues don’t joke around with her anymore, she’s pulled in different directions, and she’s constantly putting out fires. When one of her top performers suddenly leaves for […]

The Value of Digital Transformation

The Value of Digital Transformation


“Show me the money!” Cuba Gooding Jr., playing Rod Tidwell, made those words a cultural touchstone in the movie Jerry McGuire. He was not just voicing his concerns about committing to a sports agent, played by Tom Cruise in this case; he was also questioning Cruise’s commitment. Business leaders, shareholders, and board members have increasingly […]

The triple play: Growth, profit, and sustainability

The triple play: Growth, profit, and sustainability


Consistent and profitable growth has been hard to achieve since the global financial crisis, making it critical for companies to explicitly choose growth in their mindsets, pathways, and execution capabilities.1“Choosing to grow: The leader’s blueprint,” McKinsey, July 7, 2022. Many executives believe making that growth sustainable and inclusive requires inscrutable trade-offs, forgoing revenue and profit for the […]

Charted: Market Volatility and Investor Emotions

Charted: Market Volatility and Investor Emotions


The Fear & Greed Index, created and popularized by CNN, is a powerful tool that captures investor sentiment and confidence levels. It rises when markets are greedy and falls when investors are fearful. In this infographic sponsored by Fidelity Investments, we compare the Fear & Greed Index with the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) to see […]

How to Secure Support for Your ERG’s Initiatives

How to Secure Support for Your ERG’s Initiatives


Employee resource groups, more commonly known as staff networks in the UK, have served as important vehicles for promoting inclusion and advocating for traditionally underestimated segments of workers with shared identities and interests. Unfortunately, many ERGs aren’t given the resources, budget, and attention they need to fulfill that promise. Here are some concerns I’ve seen […]

Don’t Let Your Company’s Culture Stifle Leadership Development

Don’t Let Your Company’s Culture Stifle Leadership Development


All too often, leadership development programs don’t adequately account for the culture, norms, and system within which the leader is working. Leaders may be asked to think long term in a culture that fixates on immediate results, or they may be taught to collaborate across organizational boundaries when they’re rewarded for work within their own […]

Using AI to Build Stronger Connections with Customers

Using AI to Build Stronger Connections with Customers


The surge of generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications is spurring exciting innovations and consumer experiments, but it also worries many people who are concerned about data privacy or only being able to communicate with a company through a bot. These concerns are especially acute in industries where customer interactions and data privacy are critical, such […]

Managing Anxiety When There’s No Room for Error

Managing Anxiety When There’s No Room for Error


In some arenas, mistakes are par for the course and not very costly. It doesn’t really matter if a designer starts over several times before producing a beautiful cover image, an inventor tries a hundred prototypes before finding the one that works, or an entrepreneur pivots from one idea to another based on customer feedback. […]

3 Steps to Prepare Your Culture for AI

3 Steps to Prepare Your Culture for AI


As business leaders, today we find ourselves in a place that’s all too familiar: the unfamiliar. Just as we steered our teams through the shift to remote and flexible work, we’re now on the verge of another seismic shift: AI. And like the shift to flexible work, priming an organization to embrace AI will hinge […]

3 Ways to Make a Winning Board Presentation

3 Ways to Make a Winning Board Presentation


For most executives, even those at the most senior level, a presentation to the board of directors is the most demanding test of leadership communications. Very few succeed. Conversations with more than 100 public and private boards directors over the last decade reveal that dissatisfaction with presentations is nearly universal. PowerPoint decks are too long, […]

13 Principles for Using AI Responsibly

13 Principles for Using AI Responsibly


Love it or loath it, the rapid expansion of AI will not slow down anytime soon. But AI blunders can quickly damage a brand’s reputation — just ask Microsoft’s first chatbot, Tay. In the tech race, all leaders fear being left behind if they slow down while others don’t. It’s a high-stakes situation where cooperation […]

Four essential questions for boards to ask about generative AI

Four essential questions for boards to ask about generative AI


Company executives are scrambling to understand and respond to generative AI. This technology is still nascent, but of those who have used it, few doubt its power to disrupt operating models in all industries. Here is a view of how CEOs might start preparing for what lies ahead.1“What every CEO should know about generative AI,” […]

The State of Globalization in 2023

The State of Globalization in 2023


Three key questions lie at the heart of debates about whether global crises and escalating geopolitical tensions have begun to reverse globalization: Has the growth of cross-border trade, capital, information and people flows gone into reverse? Are geopolitical tensions fracturing the world economy into rival blocs? And is globalization giving way to regionalization? The answer […]

The Simple Power of Communicating with Kindness

The Simple Power of Communicating with Kindness


I believe that in every interpersonal communication, leaders should err on the side of kindness. This pronouncement is seemingly simple but it takes courage to live — especially now. We live in a world in which a host of issues are eating away at our connections with each other. Take lack of focus: When was […]

Protecting DEI Progress When Budgets Are Tight

Protecting DEI Progress When Budgets Are Tight


The layoffs and hiring freezes sweeping the tech industry and beyond have hurt diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) teams, putting carefully wrought efforts to build more inclusive workplaces at risk. Time will tell if the commitments companies made in 2020 and 2021 were inauthentic or a flash in the pan, a fear for many DEI […]

Staying ahead: How the best CEOs continually improve performance

Staying ahead: How the best CEOs continually improve performance


Be humble, hungry. Most people know the fable The Tortoise and the Hare. In the story, the two animals challenge one another to a race to prove who is faster. The hare starts strong and is soon out of sight. Midrace, the hare lies down to rest, feeling certain that it’s going to win. After […]

Build a Strong Learning Culture on Your Team

Build a Strong Learning Culture on Your Team


When Kendra Grant’s team was charged with designing and delivering learning experiences for 90,000 Walmart Canada associates, she knew as a senior learning-and-design director that the landscape of corporate learning needs was constantly changing. “Over time,” says Grant, now the principal of her own L&D practice, “we acknowledged that many of the problems we saw […]

Map Explainer: Sudan

Map Explainer: Sudan


The African nation of Sudan has been in the headlines, as intense fighting has rocked the country. As this bloody power struggle plays out, the map infographic above aims to provides key information on the conflict, as well as general facts and context about the country. To begin, what exactly is happening in Sudan? The […]

How New CEOs Establish Legitimacy

How New CEOs Establish Legitimacy


Corporate governance delegates tremendous authority to the chief executive. Yet authority alone provides a limited license to lead. We listen to those in authority because we’re required to do so; authority motivates via a follow-the-rules mechanism that will never encourage someone to go above-and-beyond the call of duty. A greater level of executive influence comes […]

Unlocking commerce in the metaverse

Unlocking commerce in the metaverse


It’s hard to escape the metaverse. The emerging virtual world is the driving force behind the internet’s evolution, and consumers are increasingly seeking more immersive experiences and demanding the ability to interact with products and brands before making a purchase. That enthusiasm has the potential to drive $5 trillion in value creation by 2030,1Value creation […]

To Build a Top Performing Team, Ask for 85% Effort

To Build a Top Performing Team, Ask for 85% Effort


The old management mindset An outdated way of thinking about peak performance is “maximum effort = maximum results.” It doesn’t actually work that way in reality, but many managers still believe that it does. They might talk a good game about “practicing self-care,” but their core assumptions are often more akin to a bad 1980s […]

Ranked: The World’s Top 25 Websites in 2023

Ranked: The World’s Top 25 Websites in 2023


In the vast realm of the internet, a handful of websites have emerged as global giants. Mainstays like YouTube and Facebook capture billions of users and shape our online experiences. But occasionally, new waves of innovation can shake up this list, which is exactly what’s happening now with generative AI. Using data from web analytics […]

How to Build Upon the Legacy of Your Family Business — and Make It Your Own

How to Build Upon the Legacy of Your Family Business — and Make It Your Own


Founded by Henry Ford in 1903, the Ford Motor Company rocketed to success by mass-producing reliable, low-priced automobiles. When Henry’s son, Edsel, took the helm in 1918, he championed a different strategy for a new era. He sought to replace the Model T — iconic but outdated — with a more modern design geared to […]

When Scenario Planning Fails

When Scenario Planning Fails


Over the past several decades, leaders have turned to scenario planning to identify future risks to their businesses. By analyzing things like revenues or margins across locations globally, this method allows leadership teams to design flexible long-term plans against a defined set of alternative external events and outcomes. The outputs can often include short-term financial […]

Innovation Doesn’t Have to Be Disruptive

Innovation Doesn’t Have to Be Disruptive


Innovation driven by disruption generates a new market and growth, but often with terrible social costs: the destruction of existing companies and jobs and damage to communities. The Explanation Most innovators have taken for granted that the surest path to growth is creating a new market by destroying the existing one. That overlooks an alternative […]

Make It Safe for Employees to Speak Up — Especially in Risky Times

Make It Safe for Employees to Speak Up — Especially in Risky Times


The World Uncertainty Index remains high. Bank failures, war, inflation, and layoffs are contributing to a growing sense of instability and unease. As an HR manager at a technology firm told us, “Just seeing your team decrease from 35 to 18 can be very scary; it brings forth strong anxiety and worry over your job.” […]

State of grocery Europe 2023: Living with and responding to uncertainty

State of grocery Europe 2023: Living with and responding to uncertainty


In 2022, European grocery was characterized by unprecedented inflation and increasing consumer price sensitivity. Consumers traded down, and grocers experienced substantial cost pressure. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sector had largely concluded by the end of the year. In the second half of 2023, we expect European grocery to start recovering. Key […]

How Midsize Companies Can Access Capital in Turbulent Times

How Midsize Companies Can Access Capital in Turbulent Times


Two years ago, I wrote a Harvard Business Review article about how middle market companies were under-served and over-charged for capital transactions. Nowadays, with all the turbulence in financial markets, a new kind of squeeze is on for mid-sized companies. For the past year or more, all kinds of economic warning signs have been flashing […]

Ranked: The U.S. Banks With the Most Uninsured Deposits

Ranked: The U.S. Banks With the Most Uninsured Deposits


The U.S. Top Banks by Uninsured Deposits Today, there is at least $7 trillion in uninsured bank deposits in America. This dollar value is roughly three times that of Apple’s market capitalization, or about equal to 30% of U.S. GDP. Uninsured deposits are ones that exceed the $250,000 limit insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance […]

Leading a Midsize Business Through Change

Leading a Midsize Business Through Change


One of the sacred principles of change management is “stakeholder involvement,” i.e. engaging and including people who will be affected by the change in the process of making it happen. GE’s well known “change acceleration model,” or CAP, refers to it as “mobilizing commitment.” Kotter’s eight-step framework for change emphasizes doing this through “building a […]

How Midsize Companies Can Drive Digital Transformation

How Midsize Companies Can Drive Digital Transformation


The last few years have brought unprecedented challenges, opportunities, and evolution for companies of all sizes. The middle market is no exception. In fact, the pandemic served as an accelerator for a number of initiatives that were perhaps just wishes and dreams for mid-sized companies a handful of years ago, but are now very much […]

A balancing act: Securing European gas and power markets

A balancing act: Securing European gas and power markets


This is a challenging time for European energy markets. The war in Ukraine, while foremost a humanitarian crisis, has shaken the European energy market more than any other event in recent history as shocks to gas supply have led to surging natural gas and power prices, high volatility, and supply security risks. Europe has so […]

Is Your Company as Strategically Aligned as You Think It Is?

Is Your Company as Strategically Aligned as You Think It Is?


Picture this: You’re the CEO of a midsize company, and you just returned from an expensive, multi-day strategy retreat with your entire management team. You spent hours discussing the ins and outs of your strategy, and it left you and your employees feeling more aligned than ever. But are you actually on the same page? […]

Mapped: The State of Democracy Around the World

Mapped: The State of Democracy Around the World


Mapped: The State of Democracy Around the World Only 8% of the world’s population actually lives in a full, functioning democracy, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Meanwhile, another 37% of people live in some type of “flawed democracy”, while 55% of the world does not live in democracy at all, based on the […]